About CADEP - SFM Project

CADEP-SFM is implemented through five components. The main outputs for each Component are as follows:

Component 1 : (Policy Support) is led by MEF with the main outputs to: enhance monitoring capacity at the national level by supporting the implementation of National Forest Programme results framework; support updating of the National Forest Programme, and facilitate information sharing between development partners’ activities.

Component 2 : (Pilot implementation at county level) is led by KFS with the main outputs to: enhance capacity of County governments, Private sector, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) through implementing forest management, and increase the area of land under forest.

Component 3 : (REDD+ Readiness) is led by KFS with the main outputs to: develop National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) and Forest Information Platform; support capacity development through implementation of REDD+ Readiness, and develop a system for periodical forest monitoring.

Component 4 : (Tree breeding) is led by KEFRI with the main output to improve the breeding techniques for drought tolerant trees in Kenya.

Component 5: (Regional Cooperation) is led by KEFRI with the main outputs to: promote regional cooperation in knowledge sharing and transfer of technology towards African Initiative for Combating Desertification to Strengthen Resilience to Climate Change in the Sahel and Horn of Africa (AI-CD).


CADEP-SFM Project Components.

Component 5 contributes to the objectives of AICD through capacity development in Knowledge sharing, Building networks and Access to finance. KEFRI has a lead role in the following:

  1. Building capacity of participating seven Horn of Africa countries, namely; Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan in: identifying, collecting, documenting and sharing of good practices; building networks; and access to finance;
  2. Developing tools for identifying, collection, documentation and sharing of good practices;
  3. Designing and developing a CADEP – SFM web within KEFRI Knowledge Management System for sharing of knowledge and information;
  4. Developing a database for accumulation and sharing knowledge and information.

The participating countries have the role of identifying, collecting, documenting and sharing of good practices; building networks; and accessing finance.

The outputs of the CADEP-SFM Regional Cooperation Component are complementary to those of AI-CD, thus contributing to combating desertification and strengthening resilience to climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Component 5 (Regional Cooperation) Major Achievements

The main achievements of Component 5 on Regional Cooperation since inception of CADEP-SFM are summarized as follows:

  1. Participated in organizing and Official Launch of African Initiative for Combating Desertification to Strengthen Resilience to Climate Change in the Sahel and Horn of Africa” (AI-CD) at a side event during the Sixth Tokyo International Conference for African Development (TICAD VI) held in Nairobi, Kenya on 27th August 2016
  2. Designed and developed a Web page within KEFRI Knowledge Management System
  3. Developed a Database for accumulation and sharing information
  4. Developed Terms of Reference for Horn of Africa participating countries
  5. Developed tools for collecting, documenting and sharing good practices
  6. Held one Regional Forum for Horn of Africa participating countries
  7. Trained 20 officers from seven Horn of Africa participating countries on identification, collection, documenting and sharing of good practices
  8. KEFRI has collected and documented 8 good practices from Kenya, repackaged 5 good practices and uploaded 4 good practices on Database