CADEP-SFM is implemented through five components. The main outputs for each Component are as follows:
Component 1 : (Policy Support) is led by MEF with the main outputs to: enhance monitoring capacity at the national level by supporting the implementation of National Forest Programme results framework; support updating of the National Forest Programme, and facilitate information sharing between development partners’ activities.
Component 2 : (Pilot implementation at county level) is led by KFS with the main outputs to: enhance capacity of County governments, Private sector, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) through implementing forest management, and increase the area of land under forest.
Component 3 : (REDD+ Readiness) is led by KFS with the main outputs to: develop National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) and Forest Information Platform; support capacity development through implementation of REDD+ Readiness, and develop a system for periodical forest monitoring.
Component 4 : (Tree breeding) is led by KEFRI with the main output to improve the breeding techniques for drought tolerant trees in Kenya.
Component 5: (Regional Cooperation) is led by KEFRI with the main outputs to: promote regional cooperation in knowledge sharing and transfer of technology towards African Initiative for Combating Desertification to Strengthen Resilience to Climate Change in the Sahel and Horn of Africa (AI-CD).
CADEP-SFM Project Components.
Component 5 contributes to the objectives of AICD through capacity development in Knowledge sharing, Building networks and Access to finance. KEFRI has a lead role in the following:
The participating countries have the role of identifying, collecting, documenting and sharing of good practices; building networks; and accessing finance.
The outputs of the CADEP-SFM Regional Cooperation Component are complementary to those of AI-CD, thus contributing to combating desertification and strengthening resilience to climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The main achievements of Component 5 on Regional Cooperation since inception of CADEP-SFM are summarized as follows: