Bungoma county lies between latitude 00 28’ and latitude 10 30’ North of the Equator, and longitude 340 20’ East and 350 15’ East of the Greenwich Meridian. The County covers an area of 3032.4 Km2. The county has a population of 1,557,236 where 760,564 are male and female 796,672 with a population growth rate of 3.1% as per the 2009 population and housing census. The major physical feature includes Mt. Elgon forest reserve, Mt. Elgon and mountain vegetation. Mt. Elgon forest reserve is a gazetted forest within the county measuring 618.2km2. The annual rainfall in the county ranges from 400mm to 1800mm. with a temperature that varies between 0oc and 32oc due to different levels of attitude, with the highest peak of Mt. Elgon recording slightly less than 0oc.
