Tree Nursery Registration

Have you Registered your tree nursery?


Fostering Seedling Quality for a Green Future!

About Us

Towards achieving 30% tree cover in Kenya.

The National strategy for the achievement and maintenance of 30% tree cover by 2032 has created increased demand for tree planting materials for conservation, industrial and domestic needs. According to the strategy and consequent defined initiatives, the country currently requires 1.5 billion seedlings planted annually in order to achieve the target of 15 billion tree seedlings planted by 2032.

About us

Intensive Tree Seedling Production

This calls for extensive and intensive tree seedling production in the country from existing and new tree nurseries. Tree nurseries therefore will be a very lucrative livelihood earner among interested groups in the country.

Certified Planting Materials

For a long time, the forestry nursery sector in Kenya, particularly small scale tree nurseries have been characterized by low quality planting stock and from a narrow range of tree species and coupled with poor matching of species has often resulted to high mortality rates in the field.

Certified Nurseries

Poor handling during field transplanting also result in high mortality rate of seedlings sometimes as high as 50–60%. These problems can be traced back to the nurseries having poor management practices thereby producing low quality planting materials with low survival capability.

Pedigree Seed

Seedling quality is a major factor that determines the success of tree farming and reforestation. The survival of trees, growth performance, length of rotation period and volume and quality of timber that can be harvested are greatly influenced by the quality of seedlings used.


Explore our user-friendly services tailored for both beginners and seasoned tree enthusiasts

Nursery Registration

Ready to dive into the world of tree growing? Our nursery registration service is your entry point. It's like creating a cozy home for your trees in just a few simple steps. Let's get started on this exciting green adventure together!

Nursery Certification

Want your tree nursery to shine? Our certification service is your secret weapon. Show off your dedication to quality and sustainability. It's like getting a certificate of excellence for your commitment to making the world a greener place.

Nursery Establishment

Dreaming of your own mini-forest? Our nursery establishment service is your guide to making it happen. Think of it as a roadmap to creating your green haven. We're here to support you as you turn your tree-growing dreams into reality.

Planting Materials

Every tree needs the right start. Our planting materials service is like a treasure chest of goodies for your nursery. From seeds to saplings, we've got the essentials to ensure your trees grow up strong and healthy. Let's give your trees the best beginning possible!

Registered Nurseries

Register Your Tree Nursery

Grow your nursery business! Register today to unlock new opportunities, reach more customers, and be part of a thriving community of tree enthusiasts

Register Now

Nursery Management Resources

Access essential resources for tree nursery management. Download our Tree Nursery Certification Guideline and Tree Nursery Establishment and Management Manual. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools for successful nursery operations